Sky: Children of the Light on Huawei App Gallery TGC Official help links Sky: Children of the Light on Google Play Store
apk packages into your Android device by yourself, they may contain malicious scripts or be obsolete. You can only download the app from Google Play Store (Non-Huawei devices) or Huawei App Gallery (Huawei devices). 9.9 Can I use a Controller to play Sky?.9.8 Why do Android players not have the headphones when playing external music?.9.7 Why does Android video recording show the UI when iOS doesn't?.9.6 I tested Sky Android on Beta, will my progress transfer?.9.5 Something is wrong with my account, help!.9.4 Is there crossplay between iOS and Android?.9.3 Audio and additional Realms are failing to download.9.1 How do I transfer my progress from iOS to Android?.9 How-To and FAQ from Official Sky Discord.6.1 Handling multiple accounts by a same player.5 Linking a Google Play OR HUAWEI Account.